Advice or isn’t it?

I go to a gym to train every day. I like being there because of the atmosphere and the availability of equipment. It has everything you need and more, so I get the most out of it.

It’s also a place that you can go to get away from the day to day stress life brings. When I’m there, I notice that a lot of people bring their iPad and do the 20 or 30-minute workout that these fitness buffs offer as a video guide. It’s very convenient because you don’t need anything but you and the iPad. It’s an awesome workout. BUT…. Why would you get a gym membership to do something that you can do at home? What I’m saying is you have a million dollars worth of equipment available to you that can strengthen everything on your body, including your core. These videos or “home gyms” video workouts are really beneficial, but that’s why they’re called “home workouts”.

I understand that you may want a gym atmosphere, but you can get everything you need at a gym/fitness center. If it’s difficult to find a 10′ by 10′ space at your home, then I get it. But, you’re at a world-class gym doing a home workout. I don’t get it. Fitness centers offer weights, cardio, aerobics, spin cycling, core strengthening, boxing, yoga, and more (some include MMA classes). If you’re paying the gym membership, use the gym. If you love home video workouts, then find a place where you can do it, for FREE. The home videos are great, don’t get me wrong, but they’re for convenience so you don’t have to leave your home. If you buy a gym membership, why not use it? If you love home videos, then knock yourself out, they’re excellent. But, do them at home or at a friend’s house, if you like having company. It will save you money, about $500 a year to be exact, but make sure you workout regardless. You will benefit dearly. It’s damn true.

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