Let Go of Hate

Let-go-of-HateHate is a powerful word and an even more powerful emotion. Is there anyone you know that you feel that way about, that you completely despise?

I used to have these feelings for a couple of people who were in my life in the past. Now, I’ve come to realize that “hating” someone will only consume you. It can take away your energy and your positive attitude on life.

When you hate others, the only person that you’re torturing is yourself. Negative emotions are the enemy, and it’s unhealthy, hurting you more than them. You will spend every second of the day thinking about the person you hate, and your attitude becomes so negative that your loved ones won’t even want to be around you. Forgiveness is the better option and that is my choice. That doesn’t mean that I speak to the those that I despised. Honestly, I don’t even think about them. So stop hating, forgive them, and move on, not for their benefit, but for yours.

Life is too short to spend it by having impure and hateful thoughts. Let it go! Don’t let anyone else control your feelings and take away your joy. It’s your life, so live it with a positive frame of mind. You’ll feel better about yourself, and your loved ones will appreciate the fact that you have put that emotion behind you. Choose love over hate. It will benefit YOU. It’s true!!!!!


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