It Ain’t Easy—

Patience-Kurt Angle Official BlogNothing in my life came easily for me. Whether it was a gift, sports, education, a relationship, or even a job, I had to work very hard to attain it.

When I was young my parents didn’t have much. They provided everything that we needed to survive, but I was far from being spoiled. If I wanted something like a toy or a book, I had to work for it. I would shovel snow or rake leaves to get the money to buy that particular item. As an athlete, I was average, so I had to put in the extra effort to become superior, and I did. I wasn’t very good at getting good grades, so I had to study twice as hard to get the grades I wanted. The pattern continues…. Olympics, WWE, TNA, and now acting. I have done numerous auditons this past year, and have gotten one movie part. I take acting lessons. I have to…because if I want it, I know that I have to work hard for it. I’m ok with that fact and over the years, I’ve learned to be patient and to continue to work hard towards the things that I want or need.

I love being a husband and father. Am I the best in the world at it? Not by any means, it’s difficult, but I’ll work hard to keep improving for my wife and my kids because I love them, and I want to. I will continue to get better every day. Why? Because I have patience and a great work ethic and NOTHING is going to stop me from being the best husband and father that I can be.

Is there something that you want? An award? A job? Do you want to be a better employee, child, husband/wife, father/mother? If there’s something you want and and can’t get it right now, or something that you want to be or do and you’re sitting around waiting for it to happen, you’ve got the wrong idea. First, be patient. I know that it can be very frustrating, but it’s essential. Next, you need a good work ethic, it’s imperative if you have something that you want to accomplish.

A little patience and some hard work will accomplish your goals and make you the best “WHATEVER” you want to be.

It’s damn true!


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