Facebook Fan Questions 05/15

Who is/was your favorite person to work with?  My fave in TNA is Bobby Roode or Lashley…great chemistry. But Eric Young has really stepped it up.

If you could have a match with anyone again who would it be? The 1 person I’d love to wrestle would be Daniel Bryan. He’s so technically sound. Love his work.

Do you see yourself in the WWE HOF? I see HOF induction in WWE someday. Would it kill me not to be? No. I know how great I am and was. Don’t need WWE to tell me that.

Favorite cartoon growing up? Fave cartoon growing up was Looney tunes. Bugs and Daffy are my heroes.

Out of all the wrestlers you’ve faced, who do you think was the most underrated?  The most underrated wrestler I’ve faced would have to be Chris Daniels or Kazarian. They are pros and always good for business.

Who is your dream Opponent? Bret Hart. He was everything a wrestler should be. Love his work.

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