Trust Your Instincts

Celebration of winning Gold at the Olympics
Celebration of winning Gold at the Olympics

Instincts can be the most important thing you have, they tell you when to decide on something important. You hear the saying “never give up”. Well, that’s great when you’re pursuing something you truly desire. Maybe even a life long dream.

I’ve always had a “never give up” attitude, it’s done incredible things for me. It’s also done some terrible things. When you need to make a decision, going with your instincts will most likely be the right decision. Sometimes we confuse greed with our instincts. That’s when we end up in a worse place than when we start.

I wanted to quit wrestling in 1994, 2 years before the Olympics. Why? Because I wasn’t the top guy in my weight class. I also had a tryout with the Pittsburgh Steelers. I decided to quit wrestling, temporarily to try out for pro football. Why? The money seemed to be good. Because there was fame in being a Steeler. But, did I have a passion for it like I did in wrestling? Hell no. The tryout went okay but it wasn’t in the cards for me. So I decided to go back to my true love of wrestling and re-commit to it and try to “figure out” why I wasn’t winning enough. The rest is history. I didn’t do it for money or fame. I did it because I loved it and I listened to my “instincts”.

Where do “instincts” come from? I Believe its GOD talking to You. There’s no other way to explain it. Be attentive to your instincts and you will be attentive to what GOD is telling You to do.

Pray on it!!! Another example I had is when I owned a food company. I wanted it to succeed so badly, so badly that I dropped an enormous amount of money into it. Enormous! My instincts kept telling me to “let it go”. “Take Your losses and move on”. I didn’t listen. I kept going and trying everything I could to make it work. I lost more money than I care to explain. The business never prospered, it didn’t come close. I thought I could keep feeding it until something would catch on. Why? For money. For a legacy that my kids and grandkids could carry on. Don’t get me wrong, starting a business is great. But having the right people and the right timing mean everything. It wasn’t in the cards for me. So when it comes to listening to your instincts, pay attention, Pray on it, and Let GOD speak to you. But, keep an open positive mind. Your instincts will take you places that you never dreamed of. That’s the way it’s supposed to be, GOD will always show you the way.

God Bless,



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